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Welcome to Converse Store at the Designer Outlet Croatia! Converse is a story of legends, heroes and innovators connected by the love for sports. Marquis Mills Converse founded the Company in 1908 initiating a tradition lasting for more than 100 years now in its original unchanged form. A rich Converse sneakers history was a part of the revolution of basketball, a witness of the birth of rock and roll, while later on it has become a world-wide icon, better known as Chuck Taylor All Star. Started as the first sport footwear, All Star has become a symbol of independency for persons who like to influence the society with their original and inerasable mark. If we turn to more recent times, we can see new ways of strengthening of this brand and its extension to global alternative sports and music.

Converse Team is at the Designer Outlet Croatia waiting just for you!



Designer Outlet Croatia
Prodavaonica 18
Alfreda Nobela 4, Sop
10361 Sesvete - Kraljevec

+385 91 6014 486