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Welcome to Galileo Store at the Designer Outlet Croatia! GALILEO, a Croatian brand founded in 2002, has been aiming to make global fashion trends closer to the contemporary man working jointly on the selected design and fabric quality. The brand has been developing with years and finally it turns to be an indisputable market leader among men’s fashion stores. Galileo offers suits, jackets, skirts, trousers, parkas, pullovers, polo and T shirts, shoes, watches, glasses, belts, briefly all that a man could possibly need and all of that at one spot. Galileo’s concept is a combination of the product quality, unique design and brand image. The brand is featured by highly aesthetic suits, suits that additionally emphasize masculinity. Galileo has embodied the 21st century man, a businessman, with a hint of urban style and pointed out elegance. Although Galileo can be classified as a men’s business fashion brand, its fashion portfolio also offers men’s clothing for every occasion; garments, footwear and accessories for more casual or sport events. To have a good man’s suit is the main priority of every men. Incorporating trends of contemporary European and global business and improving continuously manufacturing process and working environment, Galileo is today among leading stores of the Adriatic Region in its fashion segment.

Be different - wear Galileo.



Designer Outlet Croatia
Prodavaonica 69
Alfreda Nobela 4, Sop
10361 Sesvete - Kraljevec

+385 91 6302 059