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Green Bar

Welcome to Green Bar at the Designer Outlet Croatia!

Green bar is a daily type coffee bar whose concept has arisen from the attitude towards the top-quality green environment towards which the bar is oriented. A cooperation with SODAarhitekti (SODA Architects), a multiple time awarded architecture studio, has resulted in the idea to model a space radiating a relaxing atmosphere to guests who come to rest here or who wish to organise some business meetings. To achieve the planned, they have chosen local materials and technologies improved with top-quality craftsmanship, processing and design while the usage of earth and natural colours has made the ambient comfortable and relaxing. They have an idea to spread the project on making the Green Bar a synonym for the escape from the urban daily routine and hectic life-style, a place that would enable you to relax when sipping your favourite drink.

Green Bar Team is at the Designer Outlet Croatia waiting just for you!


Green Bar

Designer Outlet Croatia
Prodavaonica 49
Alfreda Nobela 4, Sop
10361 Sesvete - Kraljevec

+385 98 9507 161