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3 7 -6
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Over time, numerous buildings were built there, which shaped its present appearance. The main square of the Upper Town is Saint Marko’s square, once a place of trade, and today the political headquarters of Croatia, with the buildings of the Croatian Parliament, the Government, and the City Hall. Upper Town also boasts a number of museums and galleries.

If you wish to dive into the rich history of Zagreb, you must visit the Upper Town. Numerous sights await you there, such as the Stone Gate, the only preserved old city gate, which most probably dates from 1266. One of Zagreb's symbols is the Lotrščak Tower, located on Strossmayer's promenade next to the former small city gate Dverce (the Dverce gate no longer exists). The Lotrščak Tower was built in the middle of the 13th century, and along with the Stone Gate and Priest’s Tower (Popov toranj), it is the best-preserved Zagreb's defense building. Grički Top (Grič cannon), a popular Zagreb attraction, is in the Lotrščak Tower. Each day exactly at noon since January 1, 1877, a cannon is fired to mark midday.

In the summer of 2016, this old historical center gained another tourist attraction. The renovated Grič tunnel is open to the public, and it makes it easier for the people of Zagreb and their guests to move around the city, especially in the summer when it can be used as a refuge from the extreme heat. The 350-meter-long underground tunnel that connects the Upper and Lower Towns was created during World War II when it served as a shelter, and entry is free for all visitors.